Why Read?

Why should anyone, be it a child or an adult or a person in their “ Privileged “stage of life pick a book and spend time reading thoughts of another.
The answer is very simple - it is to escape into a world which is private and farfetched.
Reading takes you to places where you have only dreamt of going .Through the pages, sitting in the comfort of your home with a cup of coffee you travel far and wide into another continent, country, city or culture. Learn their ways, habits, traditions, cultures, festivals and taste their food.
It’s the only companion that does not get upset of your constant attention, your only friend who is there in the lonely darkness of the night. It is going to be your possession even when the pages are torn and withered, when you have aged, so will it.
To many people asking to borrow their book is like asking to share their most treasured and valued possession.
To instill this vital habit and to give the pleasure of this virtual existence to young tender minds G D Goenka Public School, Greater Noida encourages students to develop a reading habit from the start.
The students have a choice of two libraries, one in class which is of course limited and one school library where they can pick and read anything.
No matter how many different types of Kindles come into the market there is nothing to beat the smell of a new book or the donkey ears of a well thumbed book.
Sometimes the pages frail away but the reader’s favourite lines, chapters or characters are still alive in their mind. The reader can anytime go to the page and quote lines , word or pharses.
To answer the above question one could go into pages – pun accepted, but to sum- it’s a life time companion with life time pleasures of life time dreams. That is why Read!!!!

By Professor (Dr) Neelam Varma


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