The mission of your life should be to leave a better world
behind than what you inherited. ― Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Happiness is living in the moment with joy, awareness, and
compassion; being free from within, feeling at home with everyone without
barriers. ― Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
I would
request you to not start thinking that my article is a religious sermon
propagating the Art of Living. However one cannot deny the fact that if
thousands of people believe and practise the teachings of the learned, wise and
spiritually awakened individuals, there must be logic and wisdom in following
their advice.
Life is a
journey on which we endeavour on God’s will, but we soon forget this fact and
turn it around into a never ending race, trying to reach a destination which we
cannot even decide where it lies, forgetting the one important fact of
life...the enjoyment of this journey lies not in arriving at that destination
but in the journey towards that destination.
We humans have acquired immense knowledge
about the Universe, the Cosmos and the Physical Sciences. We have designed
various models of successful leaders, managers, executives, politicians and so
on. We have given success an entire
new meaning and dimension.
man has soon realised that the high in life is not in reaching that unknown
destination with a pre set strategy but living life in a way that makes the journey towards that unknown destination
into an ongoing enjoyable journey and for that the life model which is
important for all of us to follow, whether in our place of work or at home is
the model of “ASK”
You may
notice that in the hierarchy of these three words the word knowledge has been
given the third position because acquiring knowledge is the most basic, the
starting point of this spectacular journey of life, the next step on the
ladder, the qualitative aspect of one’s character, more delicate and adding the
finer aspects to life are the skills, and the ultimate aspect of our
personality which is the game changer, the ring master, the penultimate epitome
of our lives is our Attitude.
All three
elements put together are the ultimate success formula but lined in their
correct hierarchy----ASK. If
an individual does not have knowledge and skills, they can be acquired but not
having the right attitude can land oneself into deep trouble, especially in the
context of present times through which we all are passing.
A person
with a positive attitude is a good learner, a creative and intelligent person,
a hard worker with perseverance, a go getter, a healthy competitor, a risk
taker and yet can be a balanced individual and can mentor people.
can contribute very positively to one’s self-esteem and can help people reach
zenith of success but at the same time if not handled properly the attitude can
turn negative and can pull down the individual drastically. Great achievements
are often results of high confidence combined with lots of hard work, positive
work and self-motivation, however, absence of any of these elements can leave
the results not as desired. When it comes to an organizational environment,
such employees carry huge self-esteem which makes them natural leaders in their
respective area of work and they become highly respectable amongst their
subordinates, seniors and peer group.
Attitude makes you stand tall and unique. “People laughed
at me, because I was not like them, I was proud that I was different’’, as the
statement rightly describes that people who are different are generally not
accepted by the common crowd but at the same time on a positive note, the
individual is different and stands out tall in the crowd with unique
attributes. This is the attitude which every individual must carry which will
eventually motivate the individual and will always push to do things out of
league and helps in being innovative. That’s the affect attitude can have on
any individual.
We have got cases when people who thought and
acted out of the box have tasted success and created history in various fields.
Whether it was the Industrial Revolution or the Social Revolutions in the
World, it was the people’s change in attitudes that led them to it.
have seen numerous examples of people who come from a very humble background
with absolutely no resources available to them and have made a mark in various
fields of art, music, education, politics, sports, science etc. It’s only the
attitude which motivates people to analyze things in a different way and take
risks to try newer things and carve a niche for themselves even in adverse
Skill and Knowledge are important components which makes a successful
personality. Skill and knowledge are something which can always be learnt in
classrooms but attitude is something which is within and needs to be developed
by an individual himself/herself.
you are a true Goenkan then develop the attitude in you to be always stronger,
strive higher and look brighter by the minute!!
last quotes of Sri Sri are a good example of one’s attitude mantra !!
You don’t have to be dishonest to
be diplomatic. You can be diplomatic, honest and straightforward. Especially if
you’re a meditator, you can do all three. ― Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
When we want to do something, we do it. When we don’t want
to do something we say it’s God’s will. ― Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
By Era Sahai
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