Technology is an enabler, not a replacement of the GURU

We see ourselves entering the world of high-end technology of the classroom boards and smart phones. The impact is all pervasive. Not long ago we lived through times when there were no such applications. Turn around for the flashback, there was hardly anything like the so called ‘High -tech support system’ that today we almost take for granted. Imagining the scenes, for connectivity between a parent and a teacher, the only way was through the landline at school or the PTMs. Resources have multiplied, and so have our expectations. Lo and Behold, A WhatsApp message by the worried parent of a primary class kid instantly connects her to the teacher sitting and relaxing at her home after hours. Bounds of time and distance have fallen.
The innocent school diary of our times has given way to the smart ID card. Coaching  with those conventional blackboards which used to give us a sigh of satisfaction, now turned into online, and spreading its wings fast. We may not be far away from when artificial intelligence may enter the education arena and we may begin to boast about education sans human intervention. Whatever! The idea called the GURU will continue to defy substitution for all times to come.
In our culture the Guru is the friend, the philosopher and the guide. The Guru is seen and placed no lower than God Himself. Quite logically so! It is he who illumines the pathway to God and his beautiful world. The robotic teacher may never come any close to lending a loving hand of support to the young learner, in order for him to be emotionally energized and ready for the world beyond machines.
The Goenkan teacher is a combination and source of knowledge and experience, empathy and emotion, kindness and compassion. She dares, she is courageous, she can go to any limit for the comfort of  her children. For 6- 8 hours without any respite she plays the role of a mother, she flusters about their safety too.  Our amiable teacher holds the hands of the children  to balance their mood swings. She can hold them in their arms for hours, she will take the pain for their gain. She makes them learn to be competitive in the world of contention. Rather she acts as a ‘ROBOT’ herself in school and after school. ROBOT with feelings and cries.  She has the capability of facing the challenges of a special child. With her love and care she knows how to get adjacent and leveled, which I can vouch no machine can do,  may ever combine and deliver these.
So my dear friends, indeed Technology is enabler but it has its limits too. So learn to respect your ‘GURU’, he or she is the one who will hold your hand and enlighten you to the right path.

By Rishu Pasricha


  1. Replies
    1. Absolutely. A Guru can never be replsced by technology, however advanced it may be. Rishu, i know is class apart when it comes to nurture, care and commitment towards students. All the best to you and GD Goenka!!

  2. Rishu Ma'am, as our kids call is a world class teacher , Never seen a teacher taking such pains, Going out of the way to nurture , mentor and coach kids.. Her teaching pattern is customised to each individual as averse to a standard methodology.. Way to Go Rishu Ma'am ! You are an asset to any school or institution that you will be part of.. God Bless you Ma'am !!

  3. Education shapes a child’s future, and enrolling in one of the CBSE Board School in Lucknow ensures quality learning and growth. Thanks for sharing this informative article


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