Stories are glimpses into life’s truths. Something about them is magical which stirs the soul. Man is a storytelling animal. Wherever he goes, he leaves behind the comforting marker buoys and trial signs of stories. It is interesting how some of life’s greatest lessons can be found in children’s’ literature.
Children have an innate love of stories which play a vital role in their growth and development.  Most of the stories are packed with nuggets of wisdom for the young minds. They teach about love, family, kindness, courage, fear and friendship. A fascinating blend of simplicity and life’s lessons, these stories are like security blankets for the children, all warm and fuzzy on the outside but deeply symbolic on the inside. They can be funny, touching, deep, poignant or charming but in the end, they are just stories children love. That’s why they so often stay with us well into adulthood.
Stories are not only a great way to introduce words and ideas into children’s language, but also to enhance their listening skills, make academic learning easier, bring them in touch with their cultural roots and broaden their horizons. One of the most egregious things about stories is that they allow children to forget the stress of the day, relax and indulge in fantastical worlds of other planets and invented characters. Most small children live their lives in a limited environment. Reading stories to children can show them far flung places, extraordinary people and eye opening situations to expand and enrich their world. They sow the life’s seeds in a child’s heart, from these seeds springs up confidence, dignity and self-worth.
With technology invading our lives, storytelling and reading has become rare. Although it appears that everything has changed, a good story and the joy that a child gets from listening to it, is a constant. Some stories have such a powerful impact that they keep reverberating in the minds of children for a very long time. The stories with morals teach a child not only the tolerance and gentleness of the mind but also the sublime love for all living beings. They are like boundless oceans, teeming with priceless gems. The deeper we dive, the more treasures we will find.As Matthew Kaisely has aptly said, “Stories are one of the greatest gifts we can give to our children. Stories are equipment for life.”

                                                                                        BY: SHILPI UDDESHI


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