Indian Culture is known for its age-old traditions and belief in joint family system. With rapid growth of the Indian economy, there have been considerable changes in the lifestyle of newer generations. Geographical relocations for work and better opportunities have forced people to break away from their families and live away from home. In this modern era, the nuclear family system is the call of the day. This system has brought a huge change in eating habits, style of living, perspectives and communication patterns. Yet there is a constant Yearning to go back to the old ways and get connected with the cultural roots.
                                                  Due to emergence of nuclear family, having a single child is on the way. Every coin has two sides. Being a single child of a parent can be a “boon” or a “bane” at the same time. Being a single child of the parent can be advantageous for him as he gets undivided attention from the parents, no sibling rivalry and more material benefits, as in this case parents buy more presents to their only child. People with sibling have a natural tendency to depend on them for various reasons. However, a single child learns to live on his own. This makes him more independent emotionally and thus, stronger also. Single child do not have an over smart elder sibling they are constantly compared to. Or for that matter a younger superstar over achiever of a sibling you could never be. With no competition, no matter what you do, you are the star. Single child is more socially active, since an only child does not have a mate to play with at home in the form of a sibling. This is especially advantageous in later years when you enter the practical life and need contacts for lot of reasons.
                                             In spite of so many advantages of being a single child it has demerits also. The materialistic ones are, that the child may grow up spoiled since he or she will get lots of presents from the entire family and attract more attention. Consequently, this will give rise to child’s bad manners and the worst examples of their behavior. This may also results into a lonely childhood and not being able to share things with others. Moreover, loneliness may cause the child to become depressed or emotionally disturbed. In conclusion, being the only child in the family can be seen as positive or negative dependent on people’s point of view.
                                             We here at G.D. Goenka Public School, Greater Noida nurture students (hailing from different backgrounds) being part of the Goenkan Family for their all - round development – Physical, Mental, Social, Psychological, Spiritual aspects of life. Imparting Value Education ; moral values, sharing with peers, an optimistic attitude towards life; emerging them into a civilized and responsible citizen of the country.

                                                                                                By Ankita Singh



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