
Showing posts from August, 2018

Ancient Hindu Knowledge v/s Modern Science

                               What am I seeing? Is this article going to tell me about Hindu Gods? Why should I be interested in it?... Naah! I should look closely … Ohh ! So, here I see a Globe between His tusks, Indians worship this avatar, Varaha since ages! Didn’t the rest of the world believe that Earth was flat till 16 th century? Before Copernicus, Galileo and Newton, an Indian astronomer named  Aryabhata (476–550 AD) provided a detailed description of Earth’s shape. वृत्तभपञ्जरमध्ये कक्षापरिवेष्टित : खमध्यगत : । मृज्जलशिखिवायुमयो भूगोलः सर्वतो वृत्तः॥ (Chapter 4, Verse 6) The globe of the Earth stands (support less) in space at the centre of the circular frame of the asterisms (i.e., at the centre of the Bhugola) surrounded by the orbits (of the planets); it is made up of water, earth, fire and air and is spherical. Many of the so called modern discoveries and ...


Stories are glimpses into life’s truths. Something about them is magical which stirs the soul. Man is a storytelling animal. Wherever he goes, he leaves behind the comforting marker buoys and trial signs of stories. It is interesting how some of life’s greatest lessons can be found in children’s’ literature. Children have an innate love of stories which play a vital role in their growth and development.  Most of the stories are packed with nuggets of wisdom for the young minds. They teach about love, family, kindness, courage, fear and friendship. A fascinating blend of simplicity and life’s lessons, these stories are like security blankets for the children, all warm and fuzzy on the outside but deeply symbolic on the inside. They can be funny, touching, deep, poignant or charming but in the end, they are just stories children love. That’s why they so often stay with us well into adulthood. Stories are not only a great way to introduce words and ideas into children’s language...
uSfrdrk thou dk loksZifj lksiku uSfrdrk gekjs thou dk izFke igyq gSA ;g ,d fopkj/kkjk gS] ftlds vUrZxr lekftd <kaps dks etwcwr fd;k tk ldrk gSA euq"; dk fodkl Øfed gS fdUrq uSfrdrk dk {ks= foLr`r gSA bldk miktZu euq"; vkfndky ls ysdj vktrd /khjs & /khjs djrk vk;k gSA ftlds dkj.k lekftdrk dk lekos’k djrk vk;k rFkk ,d lekftd gksus dk nkf;Ro fuokZg fd;kA D;ksafd blds fcuk ekuo thou dk dksbZ ewY; ugh gksrkA ?kj] ifjokj] laLFkk] lekt o ns’k lcdh viuh uhfr gksrh gS] ftlds dkj.k ;g lc pyrs gSaA fcuk blds pyuk vlaHko gSA ftldk vkt {kj.k fn[kk;h nsrk gSA vkt ?kj] ifjokj o lekt viuh uSfrd dÙkZO;ksa o e;kZnkvksa dks Hkwy x, gSaA ftlds dkj.k nqHkkZouk,¡ izknwHkwZr gksrh tk jgh gaSA lekt esa rjg & rjg dh vkjktdrk dk lekos’k fn[kk;h nsrk gSA uSfrdrk ds fcuk gekjk thou i’kqor gSA bZ’oj us gesa l`f"V dk loksZRre cuk;k gS rFkk gesa lkspus le>us dh ’kfDr nh gSA ifj.kke Lo#i gekjs euhf"k;ksa] f’k{kkfonksa us vPNk thou thus ds fy, dqN fu;e cuk,¡ gSaaA ft...

The Importance of Financial Literacy for Students

Defining Financial Literacy F inancial literacy is “the ability to use knowledge and skills to make effective and informed money management decisions,”  according to Investopedia. Math is certainly part of financial literacy, but so is the ability to understand one’s credit rating, to avoid and pay down debt, and to understand how financial transactions and products work in order to make informed financial decisions. How It Can Be Taught                                      It’s important to take an active hand in preparing students for the financial world.  Financial literacy can be taught to students as part of other subjects like math or history , or on its own, such as with modules like those created by the High School Financial Planning Program. Such education needn’t focus on compl...


Before sharing my views on parenting and how it should be, I would like to share with you my story of being a mother. For a mother the most memorable moment of life is the day when she becomes a mother, the same was for me as what I can souvenir from thirteen years back, when I embraced my daughter, I was mesmerized. A beautiful fairy was in my arms. She was an active toddler, learning all the activities very quickly, much before than others. She became our world; my biological clock was adjusted with hers. I was trying to feel from her heart. She started walking at the age of 8 months. Once my parents were at my place and she was practicing her toddler’s walk, she fell; my heart was in my hands. I screamed before she could cry; but she didn’t cry. She was giving me an amazed look. My father who was observing this, asked me not to react on her account. He said ‘Life is full of pains, not only physical but emotional too. Don’t teach your child to react on pain, if reaction is ...

Why Read?

Why should anyone, be it a child or an adult or a person in their “ Privileged “stage of life pick a book and spend time reading thoughts of another. The answer is very simple - it is to escape into a world which is private and farfetched. Reading takes you to places where you have only dreamt of going .Through the pages, sitting in the comfort of your home with a cup of coffee you travel far and wide into another continent, country, city or culture. Learn their ways, habits, traditions, cultures, festivals and taste their food. It’s the only companion that does not get upset of your constant attention, your only friend who is there in the lonely darkness of the night. It is going to be your possession even when the pages are torn and withered, when you have aged, so will it. To many people asking to borrow their book is like asking to share their most treasured and valued possession. To instill this vital habit and to give the pleasure of this virtual existence to young te...

7 Difficulties that faced by Indian teachers in the classroom and outside

Given the penetration of technology into every human sphere, the 21st-century teacher has more challenges to face than be at the receiving end of benefits. Notwithstanding the fact that online learning or e-learning is the latest educational trend, this pattern of learning has its own flaws. Educators who have the responsibility of teaching students in the best possible manner will have to face the below-mentioned problems. To make this explanation a bit more comprehensive, you can lay hands on the modern approaches to teaching in contrast to the age-old classroom coaching practices that were in vogue from times immemorial. Need to Personalize Every student is unique with a certain level of intelligence. His needs are so diverse from the rest of his class. The Bygone Days: In this context, the primitive pattern was to assess and evaluate the performance of students. Teachers used to spend a great deal of time reporting the performance of the class to their guardians. After report...

Technology is an enabler, not a replacement of the GURU

We see ourselves entering the world of high-end technology of the classroom boards and smart phones. The impact is all pervasive. Not long ago we lived through times when there were no such applications. Turn around for the flashback, there was hardly anything like the so called ‘High -tech support system’ that today we almost take for granted. Imagining the scenes, for connectivity between a parent and a teacher, the only way was through the landline at school or the PTMs. Resources have multiplied, and so have our expectations. Lo and Behold, A WhatsApp message by the worried parent of a primary class kid instantly connects her to the teacher sitting and relaxing at her home after hours. Bounds of time and distance have fallen. The innocent school diary of our times has given way to the smart ID card. Coaching   with those conventional blackboards which used to give us a sigh of satisfaction, now turned into online, and spreading its wings fast. We may not be far away from w...


It's story time! Everyone loves to listen or read a story; it makes it easy to understand. I'd like to say something or put my thoughts through a story which I have found, like everyone on What’sApp messages. Once upon a time, there were two neighbours living next to each other. One of them was a retired teacher and was an insurance agent the other who had a lot of interest in technology. Both of them had planted different plants in their garden. The retired teacher was giving a small amount of water to his plants and didn’t always give  full attention to them, while the other neighbour , had given a lot of water to his plants and looked after them quite well. The retired teacher’s plants were simple but looked good. The insurance agent’s plants were much fuller and greener. One day, during the night, there was a heavy rain and a wind due to a minor storm. Next morning, both the neighbours came out to inspect the damage to their garden. The neighbour, who was an insur...


Indian Culture is known for its age-old traditions and belief in joint family system. With rapid growth of the Indian economy, there have been considerable changes in the lifestyle of newer generations. Geographical relocations for work and better opportunities have forced people to break away from their families and live away from home. In this modern era, the nuclear family system is the call of the day. This system has brought a huge change in eating habits, style of living, perspectives and communication patterns. Yet there is a constant Yearning to go back to the old ways and get connected with the cultural roots.                                                   Due to emergence of nuclear family, having a single child is on the way . Every...

विद्यार्थियों के सर्वांगीण विकास की ओर अग्रसर

विद्यालय का परम उद्देश्य होता है कि विद्यार्थियों को सर्वोत्तम शिक्षा मिले और शिक्षा ग्रहण करने के साथ-साथ उनका सर्वांगीण विकास हो | इसी वाक्य को चरितार्थ कर रहा है हमारा विद्यालय | विद्यार्थियों को यहाँ शिक्षा के साथ-साथ,खेलकूद,रहन-सहन,विज्ञान,कला के क्षेत्र में भी सम्पूर्ण योगदान दिया जाता है सभी विषय के उच्चशिक्षित एवं जानकार शिक्षक विद्यालय में अपनी सेवाएँ प्रदान करते है | विद्यालय में उचित पुस्तकालय इंटरनेट के माध्यम से जुडा हुआ है जो विश्व की सभी जानकारी प्रदान करता है| परंपरागत शिक्षा प्रणाली के साथ-साथ इनफार्मेशन टेक्नोलोजी का भी भरपूर उपयोग होता है | विद्यालय में विडियो कॉनफ्रेंसिंग जैसी सुविधाओं का भी उपयोग होता है | यहाँ मेधावी विद्यार्थियों के साथ-साथ कमज़ोर विद्यार्थियों पर भी शिक्षकों का पूर्ण स्नेह एवं सहयोग रहता है| अगर विदार्थी किसी कारणवश विद्यालय आने में असमर्थ हो तो भी विद्यालय अतिरिक्त समय देकर पूर्ण सहयोग प्रदान करता है | विद्यालय में प्रत्येक विषय को रुचिपूर्ण ढंग से पूर्ण गहनता के साथ पढाया जाता है| विद्यार्थिंयों की रोचकता का पूर्ण ध्यान रखते हुए उन्हें खेलकूद...


The mission of your life should be to leave a better world behind than what you inherited.   ―  Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Happiness is living in the moment with joy, awareness, and compassion; being free from within, feeling at home with everyone without barriers.  ―  Sri Sri Ravi Shankar I would request you to not start thinking that my article is a religious sermon propagating the Art of Living. However one cannot deny the fact that if thousands of people believe and practise the teachings of the learned, wise and spiritually awakened individuals, there must be logic and wisdom in following their advice. Life is a journey on which we endeavour on God’s will, but we soon forget this fact and turn it around into a never ending race, trying to reach a destination which we cannot even decide where it lies, forgetting the one important fact of life...the enjoyment of this journey lies not in arriving at that destination but in the journey towards that destination. ...