Ancient Hindu Knowledge v/s Modern Science

What am I seeing? Is this article going to tell me about Hindu Gods? Why should I be interested in it?... Naah! I should look closely … Ohh ! So, here I see a Globe between His tusks, Indians worship this avatar, Varaha since ages! Didn’t the rest of the world believe that Earth was flat till 16 th century? Before Copernicus, Galileo and Newton, an Indian astronomer named Aryabhata (476–550 AD) provided a detailed description of Earth’s shape. वृत्तभपञ्जरमध्ये कक्षापरिवेष्टित : खमध्यगत : । मृज्जलशिखिवायुमयो भूगोलः सर्वतो वृत्तः॥ (Chapter 4, Verse 6) The globe of the Earth stands (support less) in space at the centre of the circular frame of the asterisms (i.e., at the centre of the Bhugola) surrounded by the orbits (of the planets); it is made up of water, earth, fire and air and is spherical. Many of the so called modern discoveries and ...