Youth Empowerment at GDGPS

“The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently.”
Friedrich Nietzsche
The role of youth in shaping the course of any democracy is undeniable. More than half of India’s population are youth, making it even more essential to look at the way this majority can be harnessed in nation building and be empowered to make informed and responsible choices. Our youth has however increasingly seen blocking roads, stopping planes, tweeting against corruption and bad governance. Cases of their insensitivity towards their loved ones are on the rise. Are we unable reign in their youthful energies into productive channels?
The intelligentsia today is concerned about the value crisis in society and the need for “resetting the moral compass of the nation”. It is time for introspection and find out what has gone wrong and why?
The solution lies in education. Education shouldn’t only create technocrats and bureaucrats but also men and women of integrity and values. Mere urbanization cannot ensure happiness and prosperity. There’s an urgent need to recognize that character building is even more important for the wellbeing of the individual and of the community than cultivation of the intellect.
Hence, an education institute must place man making as its principle objective. It should seek not merely to turn out men as engineers, doctors, architects etc. but also men of high character, probity and honor. It should be a nursery of good citizens. Education needs to reorient itself towards developing good citizens rather than professionals with a nose for opportunities only.
India was a world leader once upon a time and was known for its value driven society. There is a need to revive the lost glory and realize that “it is time we re-emphasize our cherished values and ethics” to meet the challenges of the present century. Education has to undergo a paradigm shift and move from teacher’s driven models to learner’s sympathetic approaches so that it doesn’t just illuminates the minds of students but also fills their hearts with the milk of “human kindness”.
We at GDGPS are proud of working relentlessly to do what an educational institution should be doing – showing the right path to the society.
We reaffirm our pledge to never weaver from imparting holistic education.

 By- Preeti Singh


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