Role Of School In Overall Development Of A Child

The great Indian philosopher Patanjali said “When you are inspired by some great purpose all your thoughts break their bonds: your mind transcends limitations and dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive and you discover your true self”.
Right! This is the success motto behind every school and infact we at G. D. Goenka Public School, Greater Noida work for the physical, mental and emotional development of a child to transform his overall personality.
Our ancient system of education was based on imparting moral and ethical values which in turn acted as powerful tools in transforming the personality of individuals in accordance with patterns approved by the society. The same holds true, even today with the help of value education the learner is helped to assimilate those qualities which lead to the highest development – mentally, spiritually, physically, emotionally and socially. Such education also brings out the latest capacities of the learners and leads them to their rightful goals and G. D.Goenka Public School , Greater Noida assist its students to reach to their goals in all spheres of life.
Education is based on the inculcation of human values instilled in the minds of students via patriotic feeling and a deep sense of world citizenship. It helps in the fight against the forces of communalism and violence which are proving to be a great burden in these troubled times. Educationalists believe that value education which has a profoundly positive content based on heritage, national goals and universal perceptions can successfully shape future citizens who are a credit to their families, society and country. Our institution helps children in their overall development by providing platforms for their hidden talents.
We try our level best to make the students globally perfect so that they can outstrip others of their age and caliber.
Besides academics and sports, students are showing their talents in various other categories, so to exhibit their output, our school organizes annual function, fete, educational trips Christmas Carnival and various other intra and inter school competitions.
In short – “A home away from home” could be an apt synonym used for G. D. Goenka Public School , Greater Noida as it creates an overall integrated personality of a child through vigorous exercises and efforts.

By Bindu Anand


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