Should Our Children Be A Part of Our Struggle?

After seeing the late post of Sonali Bendre the famous Bollywood actress who has recently announced the world her struggle with cancer and how her family is helping her cope up with this major life crisis, I too somehow pondered over the importance of engaging our kids in our endeavors.
I feel it is totally apt or important to involve out kids in every phase of our life, be it happy times or tough times. I really do not mean to abandon them in this cruel world and not to safeguard them from negatives and darkness of live or snatch away their naivety. It is all about binding the family tightly together through thick and thin. After all life is not always fair! Whatever we expect we always do not get the same. It is unpredictable and this should be put across very gently to our children by sharing our strengths and weaknesses, both.
Most of the parents (like mine), hide away all their tears, fears, and worries from their children. But I wonder, where will they land up? In my opinion it wasn’t and still is not different for me. Life is still unfair sometimes with bouts of hopes, fears and disappointments. I wonder why I was never a part of my parents’ struggles?
Somehow, even today, I feel guilty for not having been a part of my parents’ journey.Perhaps; I too could have understood life a little better by now and could have diluted some things from them as well. Our children are our strength. They are far more understanding, avid, encouraging, and energetic. They are full of life, love, hope and the best part is that they never stop believing in the miraculous wonders of life.
Life is not always about happy endings, it’s about embracing together each and every shade of our life positively and yet more strongly. Making our children a part of our tough times not only strengths the family bond, but it also shows how united we can be. Thereby giving our children a chance to take certain charge in the life will help them become more confident, optimistic and empathetic towards life.
I wish all the people around the world suffering from some or the other ailments or diseases a speedy recovery and would also urge to convince them not to keep their loved ones in dark. They should share their fears, as it will be very easy for them to bring a change a positive one in their relationship and surroundings.

Medha Kajla Mattoo


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