How can you score 100/100 marks in Mathematics

Mathematics can be a fun for some, whereas a nightmare to some others! You either get it completely right or entirely wrong. It’s not like a language subject wherein there can be a “maybe”. And that is also the reason that it is definitely possible to score 100/100 marks in mathematics.
Many believe that to score high in Mathematics one should have an extraordinary analytical ability. But it is not so. Mathematics is a subject which develops a rational thinking and logical approach in a student. It is impossible for a student to make him or her fall in love with Mathematics overnight but here are a few tips to improve your score and even help you achieve full marks in mathematics.
Gearing up yourself for the examination:
  • Make a separate register for theorems, formulae and methodologies: Mathematics is all about theorems, concepts and formulae, and it’s always wise to keep them handy. You can read and brush them up even when you are on the move and this practice also comes to rescue when you are having a last minute revision.
  • Solve Problems yourself: Whereas it is good to go through and understand different types of problems, it is very important to solve them yourself. Knowing theories and concept is necessary but to learn their application is inescapable if you want to score full marks in mathematics. You have to solve each by yourself, minimum 3-4 times over the course of time.
  • Understand your syllabus: Understanding your portions and the weightage attached to different sections helps you in deciding how much time to dedicate to each section. For example, if you know that there will be just a 4-6 marks question from a particular section, you do not have to dedicate a week practicing those sums.
  • Practice PapersPractice papers are a good way to mentally prepare yourself for what you are going to get in the exams. The more you solve these, more confidence you will gain towards your achievement of scoring the highest score. Also, it is important to understand that you need not wait for your syllabus to finish before you start solving these. As you go on finishing different sections, you can find the respective questions from the sample papers and solve them side by side.
  • Address your problem areas outright: There may be times when you are solving a sample paper and you come across some questions which you cannot solve. While it is convenient to keep them aside to clear later, but over a period of time these accumulate and become a burden for you.
  • Time Management: It is not easy to be a mathematics champion. You must take out some time every day to solve mathematical problems in order to score 100/100 marks in mathematics, even when you have dedicated a particular day to some other subject. This can range from a quick half an hour of going through your register of formulae and methodologies, or dedicating couple of hours to solve sample papers.
We at G.D GOENKA PUBLIC SCHOOL, GREATER NOIDA, not just prepare our students for the Board examinations,  but also do believe in developing a rational bent of mind among the students, in order to face the competitive examinations.                                                                                                                                                                            



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