Showing posts from 2018
Invite for Christmas Carnival on Sunday 16th December, 2018
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Fit to Success
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“One of the best moments in life is to realize that two weeks ago your body could not do what you just did.” Believe me, this single thought widens my face with a smile of excitement and I swear I am not talking in reference to my physical fitness only. People do not become successful just by accident and this is applicable in all walks of life. Here, we are talking about the journey of professional success on the track of fitness. Here is the story of two best friends. Priyanka and Kanika were best friends from junior school. Thick as thieves, they did everything together right from being bench mates to studying together for their exams, to even going for picnics and sharing notes about their crushes. The difference between the two though was that Priyanka had a sweet tooth while eventually Kanika grew out of it. As the years rolled by main roles in dramas were given to Kanika, and she still had more of the fan following, much after the two passed out from school and college. ...
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THE RUSHEY MEAD HIGH SCHOOL, LEICESTER, U.K. “FLOWERS BRING SMILES” CLASSES IX AND X Botanical gardens, in the modern sense, developed from Physic Garden whose main purpose was to cultivate herbs for medical use as well as research and experimentation. Such gardens have a long history. In Europe, for example, Aristotle (384 BCE – 322 BCE), the “Father of Biology” is said to have had a physic garden in the Lyceum at Athens, which was used for educational purposes and for the study of botany, and this was inherited, or possibly set up, by his pupil Theophrastus , the "Father of Botany " Botanical gardens are still being built, such as the first botanical garden in Oman , which will be one of the largest gardens in the world. Once completed, it will house the first large-scale cloud forest in a huge glasshouse . In India we have several Botanical Gardens, in which many medicinal plants ar...
Hard work leads to success
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“ The harder you fall, the heavier you heart; the heavier your heart, the stronger you climb; the stronger you climb, the higher your pedestal .” It’s rightly said by someone that, “If we try and lose then it isn’t our fault. But if don’t try and we lose, then it’s our entire fault.” The price of success is hard work, dedication to job, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand. Success is something that we all want to achieve in our lives. The type of success aspired to, can vary greatly person to person. Because every type of success is very different too, but everyone’s route has one thing in common- “HARD WORK”. Today’s world is a competitive world. Everyone wants to be famous and wants success in life. There is a well-known proverb “No pain, No gain” hard work never goes wasted. Although it may be later or sooner success comes to your feet. It’s said that, “The difference between ‘Ordinary’ and ‘Extra ordin...
Need of Smart Schools in Current Education System….
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Smart school can be defined as a school equipped with latest technologies to accommodate , organize and to optimize the student’s learning process. Like using the latest ideas of flipped classroom, blended learning and other such practices. Today’s development in technology at an exponential rate, which is leading to technology being accessible very easily and by everyone. In a smart school one need not even be physically present there, could host classrooms online through various Learning management systems . The smart school is also equipped with all the software it can or need to help in the management and the learning of its students. It’s Impacts on Education Touch screens and other gadgets have replaced books and pens in this day age while the coming time will of Virtual reality to help. It could be used to provide a great environment and to teach children starting from kinder garden till colleges. It helps to avoid need of maintaining ledgers and cumbersome paperwor...
Why fear tears the interest for Math
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Learning Mathematics is like learning new language. It is a discipline that requires effort, regular practice, training and memory. The psychology of a fear of math starts at very early age, mathematics depends upon cumulative knowledge in which each chapter must be understood and mastered in order to proceed to the next. Mathematics is Abstract : Mathematics is said to be abstract because it does not have a shape. Children cannot see it. They need to visualize the problem. Visualization comes from every day practice of problems in math’s. Present Teaching System: Another major contributor to the difficulty of mathematics is lack of innovation in conventional system of teaching makes mathematics Students are unable to visualize the concept taught by the teacher. Therefore, their interest level goes down. Hence, they start disliking the subject. If this disliking continues for a longer period of time, then disliking converts into hatred for the subject. Understanding...
Conquer yourself
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Our greatest glory is not, in never falling but in rising every time we fall. --Confucious Everyone has limits. But we never know our limits until, our skills have been put to test. Never say,” This is all I can do,” unless you have tried to do it. Do you know that humans use only 10% of their brain while there is much more you can do. You have the resources. You just need to find it and the first place to look is within yourself. Our skills double when we face danger. Then we see, smell, hear and move faster. It shows that we are capable of acting and doing much more than we t...
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Learning does not confine to mere school- prescribed curriculum and a routine syllabus. It actually needs more than that. In fact the curriculum is no longer bounded into the four walls of classroom; rather it has expanded its parameters. In older times the teachers simply teaches and give notes and things becomes easy for students as well as for the teacher. But now the time has changed a lot, it’s not easy to engage our children in teaching they need something extra, they wanted things in some or the other way in twisted manner or I should say they actually want change in the form of creative learning. Here's an experiment we can conduct in many schools. Look through the door of one classroom and you might see the students hunched over, not engaged, even frowning. The teacher looks frazzled, tired and wishing he or she was somewhere else. You might think, "Well, everyone has a bad day." But you might witness this scenario in this teacher's classroom no matter wh...
शिक्षा के प्रति विद्याथियों व अभिभावकों में जागरूकता की कमी
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“शिक्षा के प्रति विद्यार्थियों व अभिभावकों में जागरूकता की कमी” विषय शायद अटपटा सा लगे, परन्तु आज की वास्तविकता यही है | आज प्रत्येक अभिभावक अपने बच्चों को दो साल में ही अच्छे से विद्यालय में भेजने को तत्पर रहता है ओर यह सोचता है कि अब उसका बच्चा होशियार या बुद्धिमान हो जायेगा अब बच्चे के भविष्य की कोई चिंता ही नहीं | जबकि अभिभावक इस बात से अनजान हो जाते हैं कि उनका असली उत्तरदायित्व तो अब प्रारम्भ हुआ है | आज का विद्यार्थी मेधावी, इनफार्मेशन टेक्नोलोजी में बहुत अधिक रूचि रखता है लेकिन सुसंस्कारित नहीं है| अच्छे संस्कारों को कमी के कारण उठाना,बैठना,बोलना,बड़ों का आदर सत्कार,माता-पिता व गुरुजनों के सम्मान में रूचि नहीं रखता | इन सबका कारण माता-पिता के समय अभाव का होना है | प्रत्येक माता –पिता यह उम्मीद करते हैं कि उनका बच्चा बेहतर शिक्षा ग्रहण करे, अच्छे संस्कार स्कूल में शिक्षक भी सिखाएं| जब-जब अभिभावक यह कहता रहेगा कि बच्चों के लिए उनके पास समय नहीं है तब-तब बच्चों के प्रति हम अपनी जिम्मेदारी से दूर भाग रहे हैं। ऐसे में बच्चों को उनके दायित्व के प्रति केवल पढ़ाने...
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Harnessing the young growing population of India could prove to be a huge challenge if not channelized properly. The education system focuses more on rote based learning and lacks engaging, motivating and hands-on-learning approach. Bearing this in mind we at G.D.GOENKA PUBLIC SCHOOL are determined to train our young innovators to work on hands on projects that help in solving real life problems. To encourage this a robotics lab has been set up which is entirely different from a traditional classroom. The lab is equipped with 21 st century skills that encourages students to think in a critical way. Here learning is both fun and interesting with hands-on-activities. These activities encourage students to discover latent talent, creating new innovative ideas thus equipping them with knowledge to design and create technology needed. The students will discover talent that they may need in this job market. The various domains of coding and engineering are taught in engaging ways. The...
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Language is nothing but a systematic means of communication by the use of words, symbols and sounds. In today's interconnected and globalized world, learning English language has been a very important factor. It is one of the most widely spoken languages. It is considered to be a common international language when it comes to field of education, business, trade and commerce. If one does not know to speak in English then he or she will surely fail to keep a pace of the progressive force of the world. Knowing English will certainly pave way to better employment opportunities in today’s competitive and changing world. Imparting proficiency in English language should begin right from the school level. As it is being said that English language is being accepted worldwide it is important for the students to master in this particular language. In a typical classroom especially in a non native country what happens is that the teacher take lectures of classes on the vocab...
Ancient Hindu Knowledge v/s Modern Science
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What am I seeing? Is this article going to tell me about Hindu Gods? Why should I be interested in it?... Naah! I should look closely … Ohh ! So, here I see a Globe between His tusks, Indians worship this avatar, Varaha since ages! Didn’t the rest of the world believe that Earth was flat till 16 th century? Before Copernicus, Galileo and Newton, an Indian astronomer named Aryabhata (476–550 AD) provided a detailed description of Earth’s shape. वृत्तभपञ्जरमध्ये कक्षापरिवेष्टित : खमध्यगत : । मृज्जलशिखिवायुमयो भूगोलः सर्वतो वृत्तः॥ (Chapter 4, Verse 6) The globe of the Earth stands (support less) in space at the centre of the circular frame of the asterisms (i.e., at the centre of the Bhugola) surrounded by the orbits (of the planets); it is made up of water, earth, fire and air and is spherical. Many of the so called modern discoveries and ...
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Stories are glimpses into life’s truths. Something about them is magical which stirs the soul. Man is a storytelling animal. Wherever he goes, he leaves behind the comforting marker buoys and trial signs of stories. It is interesting how some of life’s greatest lessons can be found in children’s’ literature. Children have an innate love of stories which play a vital role in their growth and development. Most of the stories are packed with nuggets of wisdom for the young minds. They teach about love, family, kindness, courage, fear and friendship. A fascinating blend of simplicity and life’s lessons, these stories are like security blankets for the children, all warm and fuzzy on the outside but deeply symbolic on the inside. They can be funny, touching, deep, poignant or charming but in the end, they are just stories children love. That’s why they so often stay with us well into adulthood. Stories are not only a great way to introduce words and ideas into children’s language...
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uSfrdrk thou dk loksZifj lksiku uSfrdrk gekjs thou dk izFke igyq gSA ;g ,d fopkj/kkjk gS] ftlds vUrZxr lekftd <kaps dks etwcwr fd;k tk ldrk gSA euq"; dk fodkl Øfed gS fdUrq uSfrdrk dk {ks= foLr`r gSA bldk miktZu euq"; vkfndky ls ysdj vktrd /khjs & /khjs djrk vk;k gSA ftlds dkj.k lekftdrk dk lekos’k djrk vk;k rFkk ,d lekftd gksus dk nkf;Ro fuokZg fd;kA D;ksafd blds fcuk ekuo thou dk dksbZ ewY; ugh gksrkA ?kj] ifjokj] laLFkk] lekt o ns’k lcdh viuh uhfr gksrh gS] ftlds dkj.k ;g lc pyrs gSaA fcuk blds pyuk vlaHko gSA ftldk vkt {kj.k fn[kk;h nsrk gSA vkt ?kj] ifjokj o lekt viuh uSfrd dÙkZO;ksa o e;kZnkvksa dks Hkwy x, gSaA ftlds dkj.k nqHkkZouk,¡ izknwHkwZr gksrh tk jgh gaSA lekt esa rjg & rjg dh vkjktdrk dk lekos’k fn[kk;h nsrk gSA uSfrdrk ds fcuk gekjk thou i’kqor gSA bZ’oj us gesa l`f"V dk loksZRre cuk;k gS rFkk gesa lkspus le>us dh ’kfDr nh gSA ifj.kke Lo#i gekjs euhf"k;ksa] f’k{kkfonksa us vPNk thou thus ds fy, dqN fu;e cuk,¡ gSaaA ft...