Harnessing the young
growing population of India could prove to be a huge challenge if not
channelized properly. The education system focuses more on rote based learning
and lacks engaging, motivating and hands-on-learning approach. Bearing this in
are determined to train our young innovators to work on hands on projects that
help in solving real life problems.
To encourage this a robotics lab has been set up which is entirely
different from a traditional classroom. The lab is equipped with 21st
century skills that encourages students to think in a critical way. Here
learning is both fun and interesting with hands-on-activities. These activities
encourage students to discover latent talent, creating new innovative ideas thus
equipping them with knowledge to design and create technology needed. The
students will discover talent that they may need in this job market. The
various domains of coding and engineering are taught in engaging ways. The
student develops a great sense of achievement after the activity is
Technology related
activities play a pivotal role in developing student’s mind. In schools,
robotics is used as a technology that helps collaborate between teachers and
students in their real time.
Robotics is the science
of engineering that overlaps with artificial intelligence, electronics,
computer science and biotechnology. The impact of robots in future is
impossible to predict. The knowledge of technology in 21st century
is incomplete without the knowledge of artificial intelligence. Learning to
build a robot also opens up opportunities in job market. Today AI-powered
software robots are into sales business. The first human robot is also created.
Robots can be used to place humans in life-threatening situations. NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover (MEA)
mission is an ongoing robotic space mission involving two Mars Rovers, Spirit
and Opportunity, exploring the red planet.
By Dr. Richa Singh
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