Fit to Success

“One of the best moments in life is to realize that two weeks ago your body could not do what you just did.”
Believe me, this single thought widens my face with a smile of excitement and I swear I am not talking in reference to my physical fitness only.
People do not become successful just by accident and this is applicable in all walks of life. Here, we are talking about the journey of professional success on the track of fitness.
Here is the story of two best friends. Priyanka and Kanika were best friends from junior school. Thick as thieves, they did everything together right from being bench mates to studying together for their exams, to even going for picnics and sharing notes about their crushes. The difference between the two though was that Priyanka had a sweet tooth while eventually Kanika grew out of it. As the years rolled by main roles in dramas were given to Kanika, and she still had more of the fan following, much after the two passed out from school and college. Priyanka however was always tired, and grumpy. The same trend followed for the better part of their lives, till they put their heads together and figured the basics out - Fit to Success. 
The common scenario people face at any point of their lives is how some people are successful, and some are left behind. Just like Priyanka and Kanika. Ever wondered why?
A majorly decisive factor is the energy levels one keeps during the day. And that's generated by our levels in physical fitness. Studies have shown that professionals who engage in some amount of physical activity during the week have better levels of not just concentration, but also resilience and have better dispositions as well. As little as 75-90 minutes of activity in a week is sufficient to see marked changes in various areas of life, both personal as well as professional.
So what are these areas that are so affected by our own levels of activity?
Physical activity, be it playing a sport, jogging, brisk walking, hiking, gymming so on and forth have shown to improve our mental health, levels of coordination, reduce depression, minor aches and pains, and of course keep mental issues at bay. It also has a proven track of promoting alertness and concentration than in those participants who had extended periods of rest.
More than the obvious physical benefits, indulging in physical activities increase levels of the happy hormones, also known as oxytocin, endorphins and serotonin, which are responsible for our sense of wellbeing and happy.
So while being fit may definitely have its advantages on the physical plane, it also is really important to each of us to be able to live our lives as happy, healthy and balanced humans.
Kanika being the friend who each of us deserve, guided Priyanka along the path of fitness and now both of them are painting the town red, both personally as well as professionally!
Let's get our running shoes on and get on that track and regain our lives for good!

“I will make sweat my best accessory; I will run harder than my mascara.”
                                                                              (Jyoti Singh)


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