Conquer yourself

Our greatest glory is not, in never falling but in rising every time we fall.    

Everyone has limits. But we never know our limits until, our skills have been put to test. Never say,” This is all I can do,” unless you have tried to do it. Do you know that humans use only 10% of their brain while there is much more you can do. You have the resources. You just need to find it and the first place to look is within yourself.
Our skills double when we face danger. Then we see, smell, hear and move faster. It shows that we are capable of acting and doing much more than we think. We are just too afraid at times. But what are we afraid of? Are we afraid, we may actually find our true strengths? Or is it, we just need to be pushed to find our new potential.
“What is the most universal human character: fear or laziness?” Some of us aren’t afraid. We just aren’t bothered. “So what?” are the two most dangerous accountable words.
“So what, I am weak?”, “So what, I am not using my abilities to their best?” These are the questions that can never be answered. But think about it for a while; if everyone starts asking you the same questions, how will you feel? If all the great leaders fuss, “So what, if the country is unhappy?” if your grocer yells, “So what, you are hungry?” if your garbage collector tells, “So what, if your home is dirty?” replace the acidic “So what” with the hopeful “what if?”
“What if you become someone worth remembering?”
“What if you can make people proud of you?”
The thing is worse quitting or failing is being complacent. Believing that you are weak and that’s all you are capable of. When you start to say, “This is the way I am and there’s nothing I can dos about it”, that is when you hit the rock bottom. No one can help you in such a situation. Even the skills you have mastered will be a waste with such an attitude. Believe in yourself and then only you can expect others to believe in you.
Start to care, Even if no one else does care for you. The last one to give up on you should be yourself.
Each life is a gift of god and each person is unique, a bundle of talents. Through this issue G.D.Goenka lay stress upon the ‘Celebration of the Self’ and celebrating what we are. Each Goenkan wants to cry out, ‘I am the Greatest Miracle by God’ and assert that he/she is unparalleled and incomparable in his/her unique fashion.
“No one can go back and start a new beginning, but everyone can start today and make a new ending”

                                                                                                                                 By Suman Tiwari


  1. Motivating n important lesson of life which should be followed by everyone to be happy n contented in life


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