
Showing posts from July, 2018

Time to take the call and be the game changer!

It is well said that “where there is no vision, there is no hope”. We are in a dire need to have the vision to save our mother earth and to give the light of hope to our biomes. Climatic changes are evident across the regions  and impacts are visible in many sectors of our society—such as human health, agriculture, food security, water supply, transportation, energy, ecosystems and others as well. These impacts are expected to become increasingly disruptive throughout this century and beyond. The climatic changes directly affect human health and wellbeing by decreasing air and water quality across the globe and by increasing the number of problems like global warming, ozone depletion, rising of sea level, degradation of soil quality, storm surge damages and flooding etc. Climatic disruptions have been increasing and are projected to become even more severe in this century, a trend that would diminish the security of world’s wellbeing. In the growing list of problems due t...


Oft heard, oft wondered, oft contemplated, oft incorporated, oft acquired, oft instilled, oft valued, oft interrogated about books and reading. Happy is the one who acquires the habit of reading when young. Such a person has secured a life-long source of pleasure, instruction and inspiration. Ruskin Bond calls books “Kings’ Treasures” – treasures not of gold, silver and precious stones but with riches of knowledge, noble thoughts and high ideals. Books are the real treasures and everyone should look for them. When you open a book, you find the treasures of goodness and wisdom which seem to spring out from each and every page.   Books enlighten our minds, our societies, our schools and our families. They educate not just our mind but our heart, they improve our character, console and bring peace to us. Some books are read simply for pleasure and amusement. We must have serious reading too, for the mind. Nor should poetry be neglected, as poetry gives us beautiful imaginings c...


“ख़ुदी को कर बुलंद इतना कि हर तक़दीर से पहले ख़ुदा बंदे से ख़ुद पूछे बता तेरी रज़ा क्या है” एक कहावत है “ईश्वर भी उन्ही की सहायता करता है, जो स्वयं की सहायता करता है |” वास्तव में यह कथन सत्य है | स्वावलंबन अथवा आत्मनिर्भरता   दोनों का वास्तविक अर्थ एक ही है- अपने सहारे रहना अर्थात अपने आप पर निर्भर रहना | ये दोनों शब्द स्वयं परिश्रम करके अपने पैरों पर खड़े रहने की शिक्षा और प्रेरणा देने वाले शब्द हैं | यह हमारी विजय का प्रथम सोपान है | इस पर चढ़कर हम गंतव्य-पथ पर पहुँच पाते हैं | इसके द्वारा ही हम सृष्टि के कण-कण को वश में कर लेते हैं | गांधी जी ने कहा है कि वही व्यक्ति सबसे अधिक दुखी है जो दूसरों पर निर्भर रहता है | मनुस्मृति में भी कहा गया है – जो व्यक्ति बैठा है उसका भाग्य भी बैठा है और जो व्यक्ति सोता है उसका भाग्य भी सोता जाता है | परंतु जो व्यक्ति अपना कार्य स्वयं करता है, केवल उसी का भाग्य उसके अपने हाथों में होता है | अत: समाज में अपना स्थान बनाने का एक ही माध्यम है – स्वावलंबन | स्वावलंबी या आत्मनिर्भर व्यक्ति ही सही अर्थों में जान पाता है कि सं...

How can you score 100/100 marks in Mathematics

Mathematics can be a fun for some, whereas a nightmare to some others! You either get it completely right or entirely wrong . It’s not like a language subject wherein there can be a “maybe”. And that is also the reason that it is definitely possible to score 100/100 marks in mathematics. Many believe that to score high in Mathematics one should have an extraordinary analytical ability. But it is not so. Mathematics is a subject which develops a rational thinking and logical approach in a student. It is impossible for a student to make him or her  fall in love with Mathematics  overnight but here are a few tips to improve your score and even help you achieve full marks in mathematics. Gearing up yourself for the examination: Make a separate register for theorems, formulae and methodologies : Mathematics is all about theorems, concepts and formulae, and it’s always wise to keep them handy. You can read and brush them up even when you are...

AI (Artificial Intelligence) in school

AI (Artificial Intelligence) is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems. These processes include learning (the acquisition of information and rules for using the information), reasoning (using the rules to reach approximate or definite conclusions) and self-correction. Particular applications of AI include expert systems, speech recognition and machine vision. With the expected growth of AI in education, here is a glimpse into some of the roles it will play in the classroom. 1.       Support Teachers In addition to helping with grading, AI will also provide support for teachers in other ways. Some of the routine task can be managed by AI, as well as communication with students. 2.       Support Students Pearson has already suggested that in the future students will have an AI lifelong learning companion. Essentially, this next generation of students will grow up with an AI compa...

Should Our Children Be A Part of Our Struggle?

After seeing the late post of Sonali Bendre the famous Bollywood actress who has recently announced the world her struggle with cancer and how her family is helping her cope up with this major life crisis, I too somehow pondered over the importance of engaging our kids in our endeavors. I feel it is totally apt or important to involve out kids in every phase of our life, be it happy times or tough times. I really do not mean to abandon them in this cruel world and not to safeguard them from negatives and darkness of live or snatch away their naivety. It is all about binding the family tightly together through thick and thin. After all life is not always fair! Whatever we expect we always do not get the same. It is unpredictable and this should be put across very gently to our children by sharing our strengths and weaknesses, both. Most of the parents (like mine), hide away all their tears, fears, and worries from their children. But I wonder, where will they land up? In my opinio...

The importance of Moral values in a student’s life

As the saying goes “All the things that make the character of an individual great, comes from the moral values he possesses. Those are the things that give an individual, strength, vision, integrity, courage and understanding of how to behave towards others”  therefore Honesty, Hard Work, Respect, Compassion, Forgiveness, Sacrifice and athithi –seva are the key values that form the base of Indian culture. It would be appropriate to say that moral values are slowly disappearing from our lives. Those days are long gone when we were keen to help our neighbours or any person with difficulty or the needy of our society.Today if a person meets any serious accident, before he is taken to the hospital his luggage is robbed. Moral values are the basic of a good human and give joy. Although this intensity of joy cannot be measured it sure can be felt with a sense of relief and contentment. These should beinstilled in a student’s life to ensure that he is ready to face the harsh realiti...

Mathematics: Integral Part of Life

Mathematics is not only an  important subject of school curriculum  , it is integral part of our life. Though the basics of Mathematics start as a school discipline but its usage continues till one become an adult and thus it can be said that Mathematics has became an integral part of us. Imagining our lives without it is like a ship without sail. .We use Mathematics every day even without knowing it and acknowledging it. Mathematics is used as an essential tool throughout the world in many fields like engineering, medicine, natural sciences, astronomy, banking and finance sector, construction, music etc. Mathematics gives the opportunity to think in his or her way and find out solutions to our everyday problems. It makes person systematic and methodical. It makes our life orderly and systematic. Mathematics is the cradle of all creations without which the world cannot move an inch. With proper training and guidance any one can become a mathematician. It is an easy subje...

Role Of School In Overall Development Of A Child

The great Indian philosopher Patanjali said “When you are inspired by some great purpose all your thoughts break their bonds: your mind transcends limitations and dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive and you discover your true self”. Right! This is the success motto behind every school and infact we at G. D. Goenka Public School, Greater Noida work for the physical, mental and emotional development of a child to transform his overall personality. Our ancient system of education was based on imparting moral and ethical values which in turn acted as powerful tools in transforming the personality of individuals in accordance with patterns approved by the society. The same holds true, even today with the help of value education the learner is helped to assimilate those qualities which lead to the highest development – mentally, spiritually, physically, emotionally and socially. Such education also brings out the latest capacities of the learners and leads them to their...

Youth Empowerment at GDGPS

“The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche The role of youth in shaping the course of any democracy is undeniable. More than half of India’s population are youth, making it even more essential to look at the way this majority can be harnessed in nation building and be empowered to make informed and responsible choices. Our youth has however increasingly seen blocking roads, stopping planes, tweeting against corruption and bad governance. Cases of their insensitivity towards their loved ones are on the rise. Are we unable reign in their youthful energies into productive channels? The intelligentsia today is concerned about the value crisis in society and the need for “resetting the moral compass of the nation”. It is time for introspection and find out what has gone wrong and why? The solution lies in education. Education shouldn’t only create technocrats and burea...

Is it necessary for everyone to be successful in Mathematics ?

Need for a change in school mathematics. It is a universal truth that not many students are motivated to pursue the subject in the way that is expected of every child that enters into school.   Math class can be a traumatic experience as many a times, grades in mathematics are associated with intelligence.  People tend to think that a person who manages to score good marks in mathematics is certainly a smart child.  For any reason, if the child does not produce good results, he/she will be labeled as ‘dumb’.  This behavior is not only expressed  by the peers but also by parents and teachers as well.  What would you say is the top reason for poor performance in the subject by many students.   Are there too many math standards? Do students not have the ability? Are teachers to be  blamed? Is math not for everyone? I believe that math content is not the problem nor are  the students.   But rather the way it is commonl...


With summer vacations over, we at G.D.Goenka Public School, Greater Noida  would like to turn our attention to the relationship between parent and child.  Dating back to the 1990s, science has discovered a tremendous amount about the role emotions play in our lives. Researchers have found that even more than IQ , your emotional awareness and ability to handle feelings will determine your success and happiness in all walks of life, including family relationships. For parents, this quality of “emotional intelligence” means being aware of your child’s feelings, and being able to empathize, soothe, and guide them. When it comes to raising children, parental behaviors makes a huge difference in a child’s life. After enormous researches ,it was found out that  most parents fall into one of two broad categories: those who give their children guidance about the world of emotion and those who don’t. We call parents who get involved with their children’s feelings “Emotion C...

*Governor's Rule in Kashmir*

President Ram Nath Kovind approved the imposition of governor's rule in Jammu and Kashmir, a day after the BJP pulled out of its alliance with the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Jammu and Kashmir. In all states of India, the state government's failure results in President's rule. The process is slightly more nuanced in Jammu and Kashmir where not the President's but Governor's rule is imposed. The Constitution of India grants special status to Jammu and Kashmir among Indian states, and it is the only state in India to have a separate Constitution and regulations specific to it. Though many have hailed the decision of the central government to have presidents rule in Kashmir the decision has its pit falls: a.        The decision to bring in President's rule is like turning the clock back twenty years, when it was difficult to even get a democratically elected government.   *Some questions*: 1. What is the overall aim in Kashmir or the na...